I’m an independent brand consultant, an outdoors enthusiast, an explorer at heart, an amateur runner and a wannabe minimalist.Here's what I'm doing now.

If you'd like to connect, you can email me or find me on:

What I'm doing now?

Updated 3rd July 2024, from my home in New Delhi.

Got a shorter domain charu.xyzI've had my simple personal website as my full-name-dotcom for the longest time!Just checked for what's available as a shorter firstname and got a nice
charu.xyz forwarding to the original dotcom for now!
The Tirthan Valley TraverseIn June, I completed a week long hiking traverse in the Tirthan- Banjar - Jalori valleys. I'll be writing about this DIY experience on my newsletter soon.Update- I marked my first trail on Open Street Maps (OSM). a 10km long forest trail from Chehni Kothi to Jibhi.Alpine Field Bootcamp in ManaliIn April this year, I attended the Alpine Field Bootcamp conducted by Peter Van Geit in Manali. It really helped me understand navigation and traverse planning in the outdoors.

This is my now page, inspired by Derek Sivers
